tips for success...hic*

  1. Secret #1:  Keep your hat on.  Keep your hat on because when all the world is losing its head and blaming it on you, if you keep your hat on the pigeons of the earth shall contribute only spotty splashes of indignation upon your inner soul.
  2. Secret #2:  Keep all your eggs in one basket.  When your eggs hatch, hide your plums in there too.
  3. Secret #3:  Into every writer's life a few rejection slips must trickle down from the heavens.  When you get one, SQUASH it.
  4. Secret #4:  Keep all your bills right under your nose so you will remember that no matter how much you earn, you will always owe more.
  5. Secret #5:  Thank whatever muses that may be that Christmas only comes once a year. 
  6. Secret #6:  When you finally do get a peachy publishing contract, see that it boldly goes where only the sour grapes have gone before.
  7. Secret #7:  Always feather your nest on a solid foundation.
  8. Secret #8:  People your plots with anthropomorphic characters whose witticisms exceed your own for incandescent brilliance.
  9. Secret #9:  Be like Mark Twain and embrace modern technology.  If he were alive today he would have his Connecticut Yankees spinning new Webs in King Arthur's Court.
  10. Secret #10:  Don't ever tell anyone your secrets.
  11. Secret #11:  When all else fails.  Wing it.